mini masters
Welcome to Endurance Taekwondo Mini Masters Program. The aim of this program is to build life skills and knowledge throughout our students Taekwondo classes as well as making their first steps as fun as possible. They will start with our Introduction syllabus that will have a strong emphasis on building Focus, Respect, Determination, Confidence and Endurance.
Through these levels, each student will enjoy an interactive experience with their gradings which we will cover in the last few weeks of each term. They will be using this grading book to answer questions and gain stamps for each belt to achieve their new grade each term. Each level has an animal that represents their new grade in a fun colouring section.
Gradings will be aimed at delevoping fundamental life skills as well as a base of Taekwondo skills in Agility, Blocks, Strikes and Self Defence for their age range which includes our Stranger Danger scenario training.